XMPP Server functional tests.

  1. Get server version
  2. Server configuration
  3. Server statistics
  4. Script with functional tests for all basic XMPP/Jabber features
  5. Testing bosh component
  6. Multi-threaded tests for various XMPP functions

Test start time: Dec 2, 2008 12:12:22 AM

Server version info:

Name:  Tigase
Version:  4.0.2-b1256
OS:  Mac OS X-x86_64-10.5.5, Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM-1.6.0_07-b06-57-Apple Inc.
Local IP:
Remote IP:

Server basic configuration parameters:

sess-man:admins admin@test-d
sess-man:auth-repo-class tigase.db.jdbc.JDBCRepository
sess-man:auth-repo-params/param-1 value-1
sess-man:auth-repo-url jdbc:postgresql://localhost/tigasetest?user=tigase
sess-man:component-id sess-man@devel.tigase.org
sess-man:def-hostname devel.tigase.org
sess-man:max-queue-size 1000
sess-man:plugins jabber:iq:register, jabber:iq:auth, urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl, urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind, urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session, roster-presence, jabber:iq:privacy, jabber:iq:version, http://jabber.org/protocol/stats, starttls, vcard-temp, http://jabber.org/protocol/commands, jabber:iq:private, urn:xmpp:ping
sess-man:plugins-conf/roster-presence/dynamic-roster-classes tigase.xmpp.impl.DynamicRosterTest
sess-man:trusted admin@test.test-d
sess-man:user-repo-class tigase.db.jdbc.JDBCRepository
sess-man:user-repo-params/param-1 value-1
sess-man:user-repo-url jdbc:postgresql://localhost/tigasetest?user=tigase

Tests results:

Test name Result Total time OK Average Description History
Version success 0 sec 1 20 ms Get server version Version
Configuration success 0 sec 1 47 ms Server configuration Configuration
Statistics success 0 sec 1 89 ms Server statistics Statistics
Test 1 success 0 sec 1 2 ms Plain socket connect. Test 1
Test 2 success 0 sec 1 5 ms Stream open to server. Test 2
Test 3 success 0 sec 1 480 ms SSL socket connect. Test 3
Test 4 success 0 sec 1 21 ms XEP-0077 - In-Band Registration, register Test 4
Test 5 success 0 sec 1 9 ms XEP-0078 Non-SASL authorization with plain password. Test 5
Test 6 success 0 sec 1 23 ms XEP-0078 Non-SASL authorization with digest password. Test 6
Test 7 success 0 sec 1 35 ms TLS connection open Test 7
Test 8 success 0 sec 1 31 ms SASL authorization Test 8
Test 9 success 0 sec 1 29 ms XMPP resource bind Test 9
Test 10 success 0 sec 1 40 ms Establish XMPP session Test 10
Test 11 success 0 sec 1 22 ms Send a message to self user and don't wait for response Test 11
Test 12 success 0 sec 1 14 ms Send a message to all-xmpp-test_1 user Test 12
Test 13 success 0 sec 1 4 ms XEP-0092 - get entity version Test 13
Test 14 success 0 sec 1 39 ms XEP-0039 Statistics Gathering Test 14
Test 15 success 0 sec 1 68 ms Roster management test Test 15
Test 16 success 0 sec 1 273 ms Privacy lists management test Test 16
Test 17 success 0 sec 1 24 ms Privacy lists - send a message to blocking-test-user_1 user Test 17
Test 18 success 0 sec 1 27 ms Send a message to long-list-user_1 user Test 18
Test 19 success 0 sec 1 170 ms XEP-0049: Private XML Storage Test 19
Test 20 success 0 sec 1 58 ms Test for feature-not-implemented error which should be returned when client sends unsupported stanza Test 20
Test 21 success 0 sec 1 113 ms XEP-0054: vcard-temp Test 21
Test 22 success 0 sec 1 110 ms XEP-0199: XMPP Ping Test 22
Test 23 success 0 sec 1 80 ms XEP-0030: XMPP Service Discovery Test 23
Test 24 success 1 sec 2 486 ms Presence subscription test between 'admin' and 'all-xmpp-test'. Test 24
Test 25 success 0 sec 2 108 ms Presence cancel test between 'admin' and 'all-xmpp-test'. Test 25
Test 26 success 0 sec 2 78 ms Presence unsubscribe test between 'admin' and 'all-xmpp-test'. Test 26
Test 27 success 0 sec 2 93 ms Presence subscription between 'admin' and 'all-xmpp-test' again to prepare for the next test. Test 27
Test 28 success 0 sec 2 68 ms Remove subscribed contact 'all-xmpp-test' from the roster of the user 'admin', all subscriptions should be cancelled automatically by the server. Test 28
Test 29 success 0 sec 2 51 ms 2 user connections, each using a different resource. Test 29
Test 30 success 0 sec 2 94 ms Presence subscription deny test between 'admin' and 'all-xmpp-test'. Test 30
Test 31 success 0 sec 1 10 ms Send a message without resource binding and expect an error response. Test 31
Test 32 success 0 sec 1 29 ms USER_STATUS command test to ensure interoperability with Yate Test 32
Test 33 success 0 sec 1 8 ms USER_STATUS command test to ensure security, should receive forbidden error. Test 33
Test 34 success 0 sec 1 47 ms Send room create presence request to MUC component. Test 34
Test 35 success 0 sec 1 18 ms Get version from the pubsub component. Test 35
Test 36 success 0 sec 1 53 ms Create a new channel in the pubsub component. Test 36
Test 37 success 0 sec 1 17 ms Check whether the tester user account responds Test 37
Test 38 success 0 sec 1 18 ms Send a command to tester_1 user to generate 10 messages on the server. Test 38
Test 39 success 0 sec 1 29 ms Send a command to tester_1 user to generate 100 messages on the server. Test 39
Test 40 success 0 sec 1 33 ms Dynamic roster storage test Test 40
Test end success 0 sec 1 20 ms XEP-0077 - In-Band Registration - user unregister Test end
Bosh 1 success 0 sec 1 1 ms Socket connect. Bosh 1
Bosh 2 success 0 sec 1 6 ms Stream open to server. Bosh 2
Bosh 3 success 0 sec 1 50 ms XEP-0077 - In-Band Registration, register Bosh 3
Bosh 4 success 0 sec 1 14 ms XEP-0078 Non-SASL authorization with plain password. Bosh 4
Bosh 5 success 0 sec 1 14 ms SASL authorization Bosh 5
Bosh 6 success 0 sec 1 29 ms XMPP resource bind Bosh 6
Bosh 7 success 0 sec 1 35 ms Establish XMPP session Bosh 7
Bosh 8 success 0 sec 1 28 ms Send a message to self user and don't wait for response Bosh 8
Bosh 9 success 0 sec 1 28 ms Send a message to all-xmpp-test_1 user Bosh 9
Bosh 10 success 0 sec 1 6 ms XEP-0092 - get entity version Bosh 10
Bosh 11 success 0 sec 1 38 ms XEP-0039 Statistics Gathering Bosh 11
Bosh 12 success 0 sec 1 64 ms Roster management test Bosh 12
Bosh 13 success 0 sec 1 109 ms Privacy lists management test Bosh 13
Bosh 14 success 0 sec 1 19 ms Privacy lists - send a message to blocking-test-user_1 user Bosh 14
Bosh 15 success 0 sec 1 49 ms Send a message to long-list-user_1 user Bosh 15
Bosh 16 success 0 sec 1 58 ms XEP-0049: Private XML Storage Bosh 16
Bosh 17 success 0 sec 1 22 ms Test for feature-not-implemented error which should be returned when client sends unsupported stanza Bosh 17
Bosh 18 success 0 sec 1 62 ms XEP-0054: vcard-temp Bosh 18
Bosh 19 success 0 sec 1 23 ms XEP-0199: XMPP Ping Bosh 19
Bosh 20 success 0 sec 1 32 ms XEP-0030: XMPP Service Discovery Bosh 20
Bosh 21 success 0 sec 2 122 ms Presence subscription test between 'admin' and 'all-xmpp-test'. Bosh 21
Bosh 22 success 0 sec 2 181 ms Presence cancel test between 'admin' and 'all-xmpp-test'. Bosh 22
Bosh 23 success 0 sec 2 65 ms Presence unsubscribe test between 'admin' and 'all-xmpp-test'. Bosh 23
Bosh 24 success 0 sec 2 111 ms Presence subscription between 'admin' and 'all-xmpp-test' again to prepare for the next test. Bosh 24
Bosh 25 success 0 sec 2 86 ms Remove subscribed contact 'all-xmpp-test' from the roster of the user 'admin', all subscriptions should be cancelled automatically by the server. Bosh 25
Bosh 26 success 0 sec 2 43 ms 2 user connections, each using a different resource. Bosh 26
Bosh 27 success 0 sec 2 31 ms Mixed, one connectiob via Bosh another standard c2s, each using a different resource. Bosh 27
Bosh 28 success 0 sec 2 74 ms Presence subscription deny test between 'admin' and 'all-xmpp-test'. Bosh 28
Bosh 29 success 0 sec 1 18 ms Send a message without resource binding and expect an error response. Bosh 29
Bosh end success 0 sec 1 45 ms XEP-0077 - In-Band Registration - user unregister Bosh end
Multi 1 success 1 sec 25 71 ms Multi-thread test of XEP-0077 - In-Band Registration, user register Multi 1
Multi 2 success 0 sec 25 35 ms Multi-thread test of server Version info Multi 2
Multi 3 success 4 sec 25 183 ms Multi-thread test of server Statistics info Multi 3
Multi 4 success 6 sec 25 240 ms Multi-thread test Roster management functions Multi 4
Multi 5 success 0 sec 25 39 ms Multi-thread test of message send to daemon user Multi 5
Multi 6 success 9 sec 25 362 ms Multi-thread test privacy lists management Multi 6
Multi 7 success 1 sec 25 49 ms Multi-thread test privacy lists - send a message to daemon user who blocks all messages Multi 7
Multi 8 success 1 sec 25 66 ms Multi-thread test privacy lists - send a message to daemon user with very long privacy list Multi 8
Multi-test end success 1 sec 25 67 ms Multi-thread test of XEP-0077 - In-Band Registration, user unregister Multi-test end

Test end time: Dec 2, 2008 12:12:40 AM

Total test time: 0 hours, 0 minutes, 17 seconds, 305 ms.

Server stats after test:

message-router:Last second packets 413
message-router:Last minute packets 0
message-router:Last hour packets 0
message-router:Packets received 6233
message-router:Packets sent 34
message-router:Total waiting packets 0
message-router:Max queue size 1000
message-router:IN Queue overflow 0
message-router:OUT Queue overflow 0
message-router:Average processing time on last 100 runs [ms] 0
message-router:Uptime 34 sec
message-router:Max JVM mem 10092544
message-router:Total JVM mem 10092544
message-router:Free JVM mem 1024784
vhost-man:Number of VHosts 2
vhost-man:Checks: is local domain 4238
vhost-man:Checks: is anonymous domain 320
vhost-man:Get components for local domain 459
vhost-man:Get components for non-local domain 1
bosh:Last second packets 0
bosh:Last minute packets 0
bosh:Last hour packets 0
bosh:Packets received 284
bosh:Packets sent 363
bosh:Total waiting packets 0
bosh:Max queue size 100
bosh:IN Queue overflow 0
bosh:OUT Queue overflow 0
bosh:Average processing time on last 100 runs [ms] 0
bosh:Open connections 0
c2s:Last second packets 481
c2s:Last minute packets 0
c2s:Last hour packets 0
c2s:Packets received 2216
c2s:Packets sent 2879
c2s:Total waiting packets 0
c2s:Max queue size 100
c2s:IN Queue overflow 0
c2s:OUT Queue overflow 0
c2s:Average processing time on last 100 runs [ms] 0
c2s:Open connections 4
ext-comp:Last second packets 0
ext-comp:Last minute packets 0
ext-comp:Last hour packets 0
ext-comp:Packets received 4
ext-comp:Packets sent 4
ext-comp:Total waiting packets 0
ext-comp:Max queue size 100
ext-comp:IN Queue overflow 0
ext-comp:OUT Queue overflow 0
ext-comp:Average processing time on last 100 runs [ms] 0
ext-comp:Open connections 0
muc:Last second packets 0
muc:Last minute packets 0
muc:Last hour packets 0
muc:Packets received 1
muc:Packets sent 2
muc:Total waiting packets 0
muc:Max queue size 100
muc:IN Queue overflow 0
muc:OUT Queue overflow 0
muc:Average processing time on last 100 runs [ms] 0
pubsub:Last second packets 0
pubsub:Last minute packets 0
pubsub:Last hour packets 0
pubsub:Packets received 2
pubsub:Packets sent 2
pubsub:Total waiting packets 0
pubsub:Max queue size 100
pubsub:IN Queue overflow 0
pubsub:OUT Queue overflow 0
pubsub:Average processing time on last 100 runs [ms] 0
sess-man:Last second packets 456
sess-man:Last minute packets 0
sess-man:Last hour packets 0
sess-man:Packets received 3577
sess-man:Packets sent 2835
sess-man:Total waiting packets 0
sess-man:Max queue size 1000
sess-man:IN Queue overflow 0
sess-man:OUT Queue overflow 0
sess-man:Average processing time on last 100 runs [ms] 1
sess-man:Open connections 6
sess-man:Registered accounts 10
sess-man:Open authorized sessions 7
sess-man:Closed connections 350
srecv:Last second packets 0
srecv:Last minute packets 0
srecv:Last hour packets 0
srecv:Packets received 113
srecv:Packets sent 114
srecv:Total waiting packets 0
srecv:Max queue size 100
srecv:IN Queue overflow 0
srecv:OUT Queue overflow 0
srecv:Average processing time on last 100 runs [ms] 0
unknown:Stats level FINEST